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A serious injury can cause chaos in your life. Apart from the emotional trauma and pain, it can prevent you from working or living your life the way you did before. Your medical bills and lost wages can have a tremendous impact on your family’s finances. In this critical time, your insurance company is likely not to give you all the information you need.
Our Chicago personal injury lawyers have handled many personal injury cases in Illinois. We have extensive experience to file your lawsuit and get you through this difficult process as quickly as possible. We are here to help you. Call us today at (312) 300-2515 for a free consultation, our Chicago personal injury lawyers are dedicated to helping Illinois residents get fair compensation.
Mostly, personal injury lawsuits are pursued under the theory of negligence. You will have to prove that the defendant failed to act safely in the situation, causing bodily injuries. This duty of care depends on the circumstances of the injury.
Although most personal injuries are caused by negligence, it’s possible to recover damages on grounds of intentional misconduct or recklessness under certain circumstances. Our experienced Chicago personal injury lawyers have successfully handled thousands of injury cases, including the following personal injury claims:
If you have been injured in a car accident, you may recover damages in a personal injury lawsuit. Sometimes, drivers may breach the duty of care to be careful while driving their cars in many ways, including texting, speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, fatigued driving, and/or tailgating.
In Illinois, drivers carry $25,000 in liability insurance for the injury or death of an individual, and often medical bills are higher. Sometimes, drivers drive without the required insurance. If an uninsured or underinsured driver causes an accident, you can turn to your uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. Our experienced Chicago personal injury lawyers can guide you through either type of claim.
The weight and size of commercial trucks can cause devastating truck accidents. These accidents can result in serious injuries to multiple drivers and passengers in smaller vehicles. It’s common for truck accidents to happen because an interstate truck driver violated the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations. However, it’s crucial to assess all the contributing factors of an accident to determine whom to pursue for compensation. A trucking company may bear either direct or vicarious liability, or both, and can be sued for negligent hiring, training, or supervision.
If a motorcycle collides with a larger car, there’s no buffer between it and a larger vehicle. Tragically, motorcyclists may suffer fatal injuries. Although the liability for a motorcycle accident seems clear, the driver of a larger vehicle may partially or fully blame the motorcyclist.
Illinois follows an updated version of comparative negligence, which means your damages are reduced by your percentage of fault for the injuries. Our dedicated team of Chicago personal injury lawyers can help you fight back against these arguments in your motorcycle accident case.
In Illinois, bicyclists have the same rights as cars and trucks to be on the road. Often, bicyclists are involved in crashes because of distracted or careless driving.
Also, it’s common for people in a car to open their car door into a bicyclist’s path. The Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/11-1407 states that nobody should open a vehicle door on a side available to moving traffic unless it’s safe and can be done without interfering with other traffic. Failure to adhere to the Vehicle Code is strong proof of negligence. If you have sustained injuries in a bicycle accident, you might recover damages from the at-fault party.
When you go to the mall or the grocery shop, you trust that it’s in a safe condition. In Illinois, property owners have the responsibility to keep their property reasonably safe for lawful visitors.
You can hold a property owner or occupier who fails to keep their property safe liable through a premise liability lawsuit.
Medical malpractice happens when a health care provider neglects their professional duty of care when diagnosing, treating, or handling a patient. This can happen in many ways, including diagnostic errors, operating on the wrong body part, failing to provide the appropriate post-operative care, and performing the wrong procedure that could lead to a wrongful death case. Your Chicago personal injury lawyer will retain a medical professional to testify about what the professional duty of care was and how it was breached.
When you place your loved one in a nursing home, you trust they’ll receive the best care. In Illinois, both federal and state laws protect nursing home residents. The Illinois Nursing Home Care Act gives residents the right to complain, choose their doctor, be informed of possible consequences of medical treatment, and the right to be free of physical restraints.
If a nursing home doesn’t adhere to the residents’ rights, it can be liable criminally or civilly. Warning signs of nursing home abuse include withdrawal, bedsores, personality changes, unexplained fractures, and bruises.
In Illinois, if you suffer workplace-related injuries, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation. This pays for medical expenses and replacement wages in the form of disability pay.
Chicago isn’t immune to personal injury incidents.
Damages in a personal injury case include your past, current, and future:
Litigation starts when you file a lawsuit, and defendants are served with summons and complaint. A complaint is a document that summarizes the plaintiff’s claims against the defendants. Then, each defendant is required to file an answer to the complaint.
'Discovery' is the next step in the litigation process. During discovery, parties use formal procedures to get information from each other. The formal procedures include written questions or requests to produce relevant information or documents. Further, witnesses may be placed under oath and asked questions in front of a court reporter who documents the interview in a deposition.
After the discovery phase, both parties are now ready to try the case in a court of law. Before the actual trial of the case, the parties may try to settle through mediation. The parties may settle at this stage without having to go to trial.
The Illinois personal injury statute of limitations spelled out at 735 Illinois Compiled Statutes section states that if another person’s reckless or intentional actions cause you to sustain bodily injuries, and you want to take legal action to recover damages, you have two years to file your claim. The two years start on the date of the accident that caused the injuries.
The two-year deadline applies to almost all types of personal injury lawsuits, whether caused by negligence or intentional action.
Illinois identifies several factual scenarios that might cause you to miss the deadline for filing your personal injury claim and extends the two-year filing deadline set by section 5/13-202.
Here are examples of factual circumstances that might modify the standard timeline:
Contact us today and schedule your FREE consultation with one of our Chicago personal injury lawyers if you have questions about the statute of limitations or the validity of your claim.
According to the US Government statistics, only 5% of personal injury cases go to trial. The other 95% are settled outside court. Further, most experts say that 90% of cases that go to trial end up losing. For cases that go to trial and win, a trial judge is more likely to grant more compensation than a jury. These complex legal matters should be handled by an experienced Chicago personal injury lawyer.
Those numbers are shocking, and might even cause you to question if a personal injury case is worth it. The top reason for pre-trial settlements is that a trial can drag on for several years, causing personal injury victims financial constraints because of all the bills they have to pay.
Sometimes, multiple detectives may be assigned to investigate a case, which is another cause for delays. However, for a personal injury claim, one detective is usually assigned the case. They have to investigate the injuries, the underlying accident, witness statements, and the circumstances that led to the accident, which can take six months or more to get done.
If you need a settlement quickly because of mounting debts, you must work with a Chicago personal injury lawyer you can trust to advise you properly. A Chicago personal injury lawyer may suggest arbitration with an appointed arbitrator to move the process along. Negotiations are time-consuming because of the back and forth from both sides. And if you don’t like the final offer, your case will go to trial.
A report by the Insurance Research Council shows that people who sustained bodily injuries in a motor vehicle accident because of the driver, manufacturer, or government negligence win 3.5 times more in settlement compensation while represented by an attorney than victims who don’t hire an attorney. Also, the report shows that in 85% of cases where an insurance company settled an injury claim, the plaintiff had hired an attorney. It's pretty clear that to ensure your best interests, you should hire a Chicago personal injury lawyer.
Auto accident injury victims who hire attorneys get a fair settlement because:
Contact us today at (312) 300-2515 for a free consultation, our Chicago personal injury lawyers will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
Don’t automatically accept the first settlement offer because it’s rarely a fair one. After a motor vehicle accident, many people need money to pay medical bills and other expenses. Insurance companies know that car accident victims are vulnerable and offer a lowball settlement immediately. Don't let the insurance company take advantage of you, contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer today.
Most lawyers use two methods to calculate compensation for pain and suffering. The first method multiplies the plaintiff’s actual damages (lost income and medical expenses) by a number between 1 and 5, which depends on the severity of the injury. The second method uses a per diem approach. In this method, the plaintiff is entitled to a certain amount, such as $200, which is assigned every day from the day of the accident until they make a full recovery.
A reasonable offer is based on either the multiplier method or the per diem method. Also, it should take into consideration whether there are additional circumstances that might increase or decrease the amount. For example, if the injury left you with a scar on your face, this might lead to an increase in the amount of compensation. However, if you only sustained a minor bump in the head that healed quickly, probably that is not worth a lot. A Chicago personal injury lawyer can help you determine what you deserve in compensation.
A Release is a document the defense attorney prepares that sets the settlement terms. Once the defense attorney prepares the Release, they send it over to your Chicago personal injury lawyer for approval.
It takes approximately five to six weeks to receive a settlement check once both parties sign the Release. However, several factors, including the specific process at your insurance company, debts, and payment can delay this process, delaying your check.
You're not entitled to receive compensation for conditions and injuries that are not caused by the underlying accident. You are, however, entitled to receive compensation if the accident made a pre-existing condition worse.
Thank the adjuster for calling, and tell them you don’t want to make any statement. Ask them their name and your case claim number. Then tell them you’ll call back later. Further, contact your Chicago personal injury lawyer and inform them about the call.
A catastrophic personal injury is one that’s very severe that it results in long-term disability or debilitation. The injury permanently prevents an individual from performing any gainful work in the future. Our Chicago personal injury lawyers are well-equipped to handle catastrophic injury cases.
If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in an accident because of the negligence of another person or entity, our experienced Chicago personal injury lawyers can help you receive the maximum compensation for the damages suffered. Contact us at (312) 300-2515 or chat with us online for a free case evaluation. Don’t wait! Call us Today!